Saturday, January 16, 2010


I'm humbly sorry about the great difference of time beteewn the first and second post, I feel that I owe an apology as well an explination. Due to the fact that I'm a student I had exams recently and was compleatly focused upon them, my apologies. I would also like to say sorry to Mai for not responding to her comment, thought I do check for comments, I think I have overlooked this one. The explination that I have provided about Operation Bluestar raises a question which Mai has adressed, if we want to discontinue calling Operation Bluestar due to it's intentional naming, what should we call it? I agree with Mai that we should call it Bluestar Massacre because that was what it basically was, not an operation as much as a massacre or a genecoide, manufactured and initiated by the government of the world's so called largest democracy. I believe that calling Operation Bluestar the Bluestar Massacre is a good idea for many reasons, due to the fact that people still know what it is referred to and it will help to spread the knowledge about Dr.Amarjeet Singh's theory. In the next post, I want to share a picture with my readers on as to what I meant about the importance of teaching the children of our future generations about our religion and what happended in 1984. Once you see it, I'm sure you will fully understand the significance of me sharing this story. In the next post I shall continue the story of the 9 year old martyr Darbarra Singh.

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