Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Message I would like to send out:

Firstly, I would like to say sorry about the long delay beteewn the last post and this one. There has been a lot going on. I want everybody to know who comes to this blog that this blog was created for the pupose of awarness to the injustice towards Sikhs, hence the title. I believe it is important that we know what has happended to us. It was surprising to me that people of my own generation do not know about what happended in 1985, who Gobind Ram was, what is happening today in India with Ram Rahim among other things. If we do not know what is happening to us, who will be left to follow our religion this is exactly the point that was made in the ardass of the night of the attack on the Golden Temple. We must realize that this is exactly what people would want. Why should we follow society's mold? What do we gain? We must remember that there is strenght in numbers. It is surpring that white Sikhs would be considered more devoted to Sikhism while the have been converted than those of us who have been born into the religion itself. I have found this video of a Sikh who goes to Los Angeles, it is very interesting because the the converted Sikhs wake up every morning to pray while she cannot. The title of the video is called White Sikhs. The converted Sikhs are not clean shaven they have breads and turbans while the reporter has a haircut that suprisingly fits today's mold. Now I would like to direct our attention to what Dr.Amarjeet Singh has said in one of his lectures. As it was stated earlier, there is strenght in numbers. Not once has consideration been given towards Sikhs. Not even the Religious color of Blue. When it came time to talk about the colors for the flag of India, the color blue was rejected each and every single time it was proposed. Even more shameful is the fact of Operation bluestar. Without really realizing it we still call it operation bluestar. It was actually named that to make fun of the color, to send the message that the forces are trying to destroy the religion. Indeed, even Buddism was made fun of. The first nuclear bobm test was called Smiling Buddha and the Second was called Laughing Buddha. How can someone who promotes peace be happy about violence. You see this is just a way of spreading propaganda as has been done time and time agian. Please do think about this and leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. I have often wondered why the name "bluestar" was chosen. This explanation makes good sense. But what to call it? I usually call it the Bluestar Massacre simply to let people know what I'm talking about.

    Speaking of names, what about the aborted "Operation Shanti"? Did she really think that wiping us out would bring peace to India (Occupied Khalistan)?
